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Kalifornien: Warum die Brände in Los Angeles weiterhin nicht unter Kontrolle sind

Grafiken und Satellitenbilder zeigen, welche enormen Ausmaße die Feuerkatastrophe im Großraum Los Angeles hat. Bis zur Entwarnung könnte es noch lange dauern.

The main concept of the Spiegel article is to explain the persistence and severity of wildfires in Los Angeles through a combination of factors. The article uses graphics and satellite images to illustrate the vast scale of the fires, then dives into the reasons behind their continued challenge: * Dry conditions: California's prolonged drought creates a tinderbox environment highly susceptible to ignition and rapid spread. * Strong winds: Hot and dry winds fan the flames, making containment efforts difficult and spreading the fires aggressively. * Human activity: The article points to both accidental and intentional human actions as contributing to the outbreak and intensity of the fires. * Changing climate: Global warming is exacerbating the problem by increasing the frequency and intensity of droughts and heatwaves, further fueling the fires. Ultimately, the article argues that the combination of these factors creates a complex and dangerous situation that requires a multi-pronged approach to address.

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